Car buying terms

Negative Equity

"We will pay off your loan"

"We will pay off your loan"

You owe more than your car is worth.

Usually because you had a very long loan (6, 7, or 8 years)

And/or your interest rate is very high

Your car depreciated faster than what you owe.

"We will pay off your loan"

"We will pay off your loan"

"We will pay off your loan"

Beware of this one.  Remember, nothing is free.

Whatever you may still owe on your current car after trade-in will be ADDED to your new loan.  


Dealer Invoice

"We will pay off your loan"

Service Contract

Dealer Invoice. It is the price paid by the dealer to the manufacturer for the vehicle.  Dealers often pay less than what the invoice indicates, but use this as the bottom price

Service Contract

Factory Incentives

Service Contract

 A high-profit product sold by the dealer that potentially covers repairs or service beyond the duration of the vehicle's factory warranty.  Like an extended warranty, it is generally a poor value for a buyer. 

Upside Down

Factory Incentives

Factory Incentives

 A slang term (also called being "under water") for Negative Equity.  

Factory Incentives

Factory Incentives

Factory Incentives

 These are usually cash-back rebate offers or low loan interest rates from the automaker straight to the consumer. That is, a consumer must request the incentives be applied during negotiations.